As on Thursday, the large chunk of shares totalling 17.07 crore were tendered at Rs 160 per share as against the floor price of Rs 87.25 apiece, showed the data from the Bombay Stock Exchange. Over 25 crore of shares were tendered in the price range of Rs 135 to Rs 145 per share while about 4.08 crore shares were tendered at Rs 320.
Market sources said two large mutual funds have tendered their shares at Rs 153 and Rs 160 per share respectively while one of the insurance companies placed bids at Rs 320 per share.
Friday is the last day to tender the shares and promoters need around 60 crore shares in for the delisting to succeed. The final exit offer price will be decided on the basis of bids placed by public shareholders, which should take the cumulative tendered shares to 134 crore.
Share of Vedanta declined 4.8% on Thursday to close at Rs 117.60 on BSE.
Promoters can make a counter offer on October 13 at any price above book value if the discovered price is not acceptable to them. The final outcome of the success or failure of the delisting would be known on October 16. If delisting is successful promoters have to pay within 10 days to minority shareholders who have subscribed to offer. Remaining shareholders will have upto one year to tender their shares at exit price.