Mumbai: The Sensex climbed 248 points to close at its all-time high of 61,872 on Tuesday, propped up by robust fag-end buying in banking and energy stocks amid a positive trend in global equities. A strengthening rupee, encouraging domestic inflation data and unabated foreign capital inflows further bolstered sentiment, traders said.
The Sensex rose 248.84 points or 0.40% to settle at 61,872.99 – surpassing its previous closing peak of 61,795.04 on November 11. During the day, the index witnessed a high of 61,955.96 – its 52-week intraday high.
The Nifty advanced 74.25 points or 0.41% to finish at 18,403.40. Among sectoral indices, oil & gas climbed 0.99%, telecom jumped 0.79%, auto (0.75%), bankex (0.70%) and utilities (0.53%).