Learn With ETMarkets: Decoding option prices

In our previous article, Maya introduced Tara to the thrilling world of options. As they reconvened in the conference room after a short break, Maya embarked on explaining how option prices are determined.

With enthusiasm, Maya turned to Tara and said, “So, Tara, let’s talk about what determines the price of an option. There are several factors at play here, and they all interact to create the overall price. These factors include the current market price of the underlying asset, the option’s strike price, the remaining time until expiration, implied volatility, interest rates, and dividends.”

Maya went on, eager to elaborate, “Now, here’s the interesting part. All these factors are combined using mathematical models like the Black-Scholes model or Binomial Model to calculate the theoretical value of an option. However, it’s important to note that the actual market price of an option may deviate from its theoretical value due to factors such as supply and demand, market conditions, and other variables.”

Curious to understand more, Tara asked, “So, Maya, how exactly do these factors impact option prices, and to what extent?”

Smiling at Tara’s inquisitiveness, Maya replied, “That’s an excellent question, Tara! We will delve into each of these factors and explore their impact one by one.”

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Tara leaned in, giving Maya her undivided attention as she eagerly listened to the further explanations.

1. Current Market price of underlying Asset:
Continuing her explanation, Maya elaborated to Tara, “When it comes to determining the price of an option, the current market price of the underlying asset is the key factor. When it comes to call options (right to buy), as the market price of the underlying asset rises, the value of the call option usually follows suit. Conversely, for put options (right to sell), as the market price of the underlying asset drops, the value of the put option generally increases.”

2. Strike price of the option
Maya continued, “Now, let’s talk about the strike price. The strike price of the option is another significant factor to consider. In general, the closer the strike price is to the current market price of the underlying asset, the higher the price of the option. This is because options with strike prices closer to the current market price have a higher likelihood of being ‘in the money,’ meaning they have a higher chance of being profitable. As a result, they hold more value.”

“What does ‘In the Money’ mean?” asked Tara with curiosity.

Maya promptly responded, saying, “Well, at any given time, an option with a specific strike price can be classified into one of three key states: in the money (ITM), at the money (ATM), or out of the money (OTM). These states depend on how the option’s strike price relates to the current market price of the underlying asset.”

Maya continued to provide more insight, saying, “Let’s break down the value of an option into two parts: intrinsic value and extrinsic value. When an option is in the money (ITM), it means the option holds both intrinsic value and extrinsic value.

However, for ATM and OTM options, there is no intrinsic value present.”

In the Money (ITM):
Elaborating further, Maya gave an example, saying, “Let’s consider a call option on Reliance stock with a strike price of 2200, while the current market price of Reliance is 2400. In this scenario, the call option is classified as ITM because the market price exceeds the strike price. The intrinsic value of the option is 200, which represents the difference between the market price and the strike price (2400-2200).”

Maya emphasized the significance of a call option, explaining, “Remember, a call option grants you the right to buy Reliance at the strike price. In the case of ITM call options, traders may choose to exercise the option and purchase the underlying stock at the strike price of 2200. They can then sell it at the higher market price of 2400, resulting in a profit of 200, which represents the intrinsic value of the ITM option. Additionally, as the prices of Reliance continue to rise, your profit will increase as the intrinsic value of your ITM 2200 strike call option grows.”

Gaining clarity on ITM calls, Tara further inquired, “I understand. So, would it be the opposite in the case of ITM put options?”

Maya enthusiastically responded, saying, “Absolutely! Put options work the opposite way compared to call options since they give you the right to sell instead of buy. When it comes to put options, being ‘in the money’ means that the market price is lower than the strike price. Let me give you an example. Suppose you have a put option for Reliance with a strike price of 2500, and the current market price of Reliance is 2400. In this case, the put option is ‘in the money’ (ITM) because the market price is below the strike price. The intrinsic value of this option would be 100, which reflects the difference between the strike price and the market price (2500 – 2400).”

Maya continued explaining, “As you may recall, a put option grants the put buyer the right to sell at the strike price. So, with your ITM put option, you can choose to exercise it, selling Reliance at the strike price of 2500 after buying it from the market at the current price of 2400. This would result in a profit of 100, which is equal to the intrinsic value. Also, in the case of ITM put options, you can now see that if the prices of Reliance fall even further, your profit will increase, primarily due to the increase in the intrinsic value of your ITM option.”

Tara expressed her gratitude, saying, “This is very clear now. Thanks for explaining in detail about ITM. What about ATM and OTM options?”

Graphic: Call Option

At the Money (ATM):
Maya promptly replied, “When an option is ‘at the money’ (ATM), it means that the strike price is approximately equal to the current market price of the underlying asset. Let’s consider both a call option and a put option on Reliance with a strike price of 2400, while the current market price of Reliance is also 2400. In this case, both the call and put options are ATM. Although they don’t possess any intrinsic value, they may still have extrinsic value, which is often referred to as time value.”

Maya continued to explain, “This time value becomes significant, and traders often take into account factors like the remaining time until expiration, implied volatility, and market expectations when dealing with ATM options. They might engage in strategies such as straddles or strangles, which involve simultaneously buying both a call and a put option at the same strike price to take advantage of potential price swings. And before you ask, let me clarify that we will be covering many of these strategies in detail later on.”

“Okay,” replied Tara with a smile, feeling more confident and excited about the upcoming discussions.

Out of Money (OTM):
Maya continued the conversation, saying, “Now, let’s shift our focus to call options with strike prices above the current price of 2400. These options are referred to as ‘out of the money’ or OTM. Exercising them would result in a loss, so you have the choice not to exercise them (no obligation), and most of them will expire worthless if prices don’t move significantly to make these OTM options ‘in the money’ or ITM.”

“In a similar vein, when it comes to puts all the put options below the current price are considered ‘out of the money’ or OTM put options, which only hold extrinsic value. The price of the underlying asset would need to decrease significantly for these OTM options to be worth exercising after they gain intrinsic value to become ‘in the money’ or ITM.”

Tara inquired with excitement, “So when it comes to buying OTM options, what are the chances of them turning into profitable investments?”

Maya went on to explain the risks of buying OTM options, especially far OTM options with lower premiums, for speculative purposes.

She said, “Buying OTM options, especially far OTM options, for speculation is like playing the lottery with the odds stacked against you. Not only do you need a favourable move, but that move has to happen within a limited time for your OTM options to become ITM. If the opposite move happens or even if prices remain stagnant, your OTM option will expire worthless, resulting in a loss of the premium paid. Even if a favourable move occurs but isn’t enough to surpass your strike price and make your OTM option ITM, you would still lose the complete premium.”

“That makes sense,” replied Tara, seeking further clarification, “but if OTM options are like the lottery, there must be someone benefiting from selling these options, right?”

“You’re absolutely right,” exclaimed Maya. “Far OTM options are a delight for option writers. However, selling options without any hedge or strategy comes with unlimited risk. Even though the probability is in their favour most of the time, sometimes a rare significant move against them can wipe out their account.”

Tara asked for further clarification, saying, “Can you please explain that to me?”

Graphic: Profit & loss
“Certainly,” replied Maya. “For option buyers, they have the rights but no obligation. So their maximum loss is limited to the premium they paid. In the case of an unfavourable move, they simply choose not to exercise the option and lose the premium. However, if there is a favourable move, the potential for unlimited profits exists as the price can keep moving favourably for an extended period. On the other hand, for option writers, there is an obligation. So if prices continue to move against them, there is no limit to their losses. Additionally, their maximum profit is limited to the premium paid by the option buyer. Therefore, a high win probability of option writers comes at a cost of unlimited risk and limited profit potential.”

Tara contemplated the pros and cons, and then asked, “So, both option buying and selling have their own set of problems. How should options be traded?”

Maya replied, “By using multiple options, we can create strategies that provide a balance between win probability and risk-reward. We will discuss these strategies once we’re done with the factors that affect option prices. However, since we have covered the most important factor, which is the price of the underlying asset, I think it’s a good time to introduce you to options Greeks along the way.”

“What are Option Greeks”, asked Tara with curiosity.

Maya answered “Option Greeks are parameters used to measure the sensitivity of options to various factors such as changes in the price of the underlying asset, changes in volatility, time decay, and interest rates. These parameters are used to evaluate and manage risk associated with option positions. There are five main option Greeks: Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, and Rho.”


(The author, Sovit Manjani, is CEO Yubha.com, TradingHeads.com)

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