Israel goes to UNSC seeking terrorist tag for Iran’s revolutionary guards corps

Israel, in a significant development, has demanded ‘terrorist’ tag for Iran‘s revolutionary guards corps after drone strikes by the latter on its territory, reports said on April 14.

According to the reports, Israel placed a request with the United Nations Security Council to hold a meeting to unequivocally condemn Iran. Designate its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation.

Israel’s permanent representative to UN, Gilad Erdan, wrote in a letter to the president of the UN Security Council, “I confirm Israel’s request to convene a meeting of the Security Council immediately to unequivocally condemn Iran for these grave violations and immediately act to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization.”

The letter further said, “Six months after Hamas’ brutal terror attack on October 7, I wish to express my outrage regarding the attack against the State of Israel by the Iranian regime, which once again undermines Security Council resolutions, fosters instability, and poses a grave threat to international peace and security.”

“Iran has launched a direct attack from within its territory of more than 200 UAVs, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles towards Israel in clear violation of the UN Charter and international law. Iran has also publicly taken pride in the attack. The attack is a severe and dangerous escalation,” Israel said after the attacks.

“Iran continues to violate its international obligations, evidenced by today’s attack on Israel in violation of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015), and by accelerating the pace of its weapons transfers to Hezbollah in violation of Security Council Resolution 1701. Iran has been the architect of instability for years, through Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah and other proxies. But it is now standing front and center in its actions to fulfill its ambition to attack Israel,” it added.

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