The selling by foreigners in power-related shares was to the tune of Rs 9,731 crore in September, after pumping Rs 17,245 crore in the sector from June to August. Most power stocks have rallied by as much as 100% between April and September, amid the power crisis across the country in the wake of the shortage in monsoon. During the first half of FY24 (April-September), the BSE Power index gained 26%, while stocks such as NTPC and Tata Power advanced over 40% in this period.
Foreign investors sold oil and gas shares worth Rs 5,231 crore in September, following escalating crude oil prices and narrowing product spreads, which have caused a significant drop in marketing margins from their recent highs. BSE’s Oil and Gas index rose 3% in September.
FPIs continued to cut metals and mining stocks worth Rs. 5,056 crore in September after offloading shares amounting to Rs. 6,953 crore in the previous month.
They also sold services sector stocks valued at Rs. 4,401 crore, construction stocks worth Rs. 2,097 crore, FMCG stocks worth Rs. 1,791 crore, and construction materials worth Rs. 1,293 crore in September.
The capital goods sector witnessed buying by foreigners for the eighth consecutive month. They were buyers of shares in the sector worth Rs 5,100 crore in September. Investors are bullish on capital goods firms on account of growing order books which has helped them gain revenue visibility. The order backlog of the top 30 engineering and construction (E&C) companies rose 12% to $161 billion in the June quarter, driven by large orders from railway and road construction segments.
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