Edited interview.
It has been almost two years since DSP Mutual Fund went solo. How did it go? What are the learnings?
DSP Mutual Fund and the team have been around for 24 years now. What changed two years back was just the percentage of economic ownership from 60% to 100%. The DSP Group has been around for 154 years and they continue to own the fund since day one. In that context, its been business as usual. The partnership with BlackRock helped us see the asset management business from a global lens and we continue to stay focussed on our vision of being a process-driven investment firm which adds value to our investors.
In the last two years, we have taken further steps in that direction. We introduced our skin in the game principle. Each of our employees now invests our money only in Mutual Funds, not individual funds, and obviously within that, in only DSP Mutual Fund. Investors feel more secure when they know their asset manager is invested in the same fund, where their hard earned money is also invested. We look after their money the way we look after ours. We took a step of documenting our investment beliefs in detail supported with data (the reason for our beliefs) and shared it publicly. Our investors now know how we think and how our funds are managed. It allows them to choose the right funds from our platform and gives them transparency to know the mind of the fund manager. It is fashionable for us to say we are process-driven. But at the same time it is important for us to detail our process which we have done in our equity funds.
We also launched timely products like corporate bond fund when AAA yields were at 9% and the healthcare fund when they were at a 5-year cycle low in 2019. We spent a lot of time in coding fundamental investment principles into rules and launched our first rules-based Quant fund a year back. We are delighted that to date all three funds have done well. We continued our quest to attract global capital – especially sophisticated investors with very long time horizons and were happy to say that we are now 1 billion dollars inspite of being completely local and independent. We learnt lessons from the volatility in credit and equity markets since 2018 and introduced a new role called Skeptical Analyst that would protect us from our own bias towards companies we own and over time help us minimise decision errors. Our learnings were reflected in our marketing campaign – the universal truth – that markets fluctuate, asset classes fluctuate, returns fluctuate & explaining upfront to our investors is important for them to always be aware of volatility and choose the right funds according to their risk tolerance.
We want to make investing principles very real and human. We want to connect with our consumers and investors in a language they understand, not in a language we understand. We have taken steps to be simple and please note that it’s very difficult to be simple. We realise investing is about good behaviour and minimising our own biases and our consumer’s biases. For our own biases – we have implemented strong checklists of what to look for in a management what to look for in a company and these checklist were formed on the back of solid data that has worked in finding leaders in the market. For our consumers, we took the route of humour to communicate these behavioural insights and what errors to avoid. We created a series called #BreakTheBias to help investors learn good principles and minimise bad behaviour. More than telling you the near term market direction (which I can certainly not be correct in predicting all the time), we would want our consumers and your readers to learn the principles of good investing behavior. These principles bear lifelong fruit and will help you reduce risks, and thus enhance your long term returns.
DSP Mutual Fund has always positioned itself as a conservative fund house even when it had foreign partners – be it Merrill Lynch or BlackRock. There was nothing flashy about it. It seems, you are continuing with the same positioning. Please comment.
I don’t know if that’s our image, but if it is, I am happy. In the business of investing, lasting long and survival are most important for compounding. The only way to do that consistently is using a conservative approach to raising money from investors as well as in deploying money. This is a part of the DNA of the group which has been around for 154 years. We demonstrated that by saying no to money when flows in small cap segment were surging in 2017-18 and we were beneficiaries of that trend. However, we were cautious as prices were running ahead of profits and its important that investors don’t over invest in this category in euphoria. So we shut the DSP Small Cap fund in 2017 and re-opened it only recently in April 2020 after a three year gap and a sharp fall in prices of good small cap companies, which then looked attractive.
While we all know markets fluctuate in the short term and earn returns in the long term, we are wired to expect these long term returns every year. Thus, its very important to explain to our investors the near term risk and long term rewards of investing. When we re-opened our small cap fund, we communicated the risk first by showing -67% returns as the worst one year return for the fund (in 2008). Our second ad was 14% long term returns since inception. We take pride in simplifying our communication to what matters and in showing risk upfront, thus helping investors prepare portfolios and asset allocation accordingly.
Critics say DSP Mutual Fund somehow lost its mojo along the way, even before it parted ways with BlackRock. It doesn’t occupy the mind space of investors like earlier. It is considered laid back. How do you fight this perception battle?
We want to be positioned as a fund house that’s simple, conservative and helps investors to think long term and share techniques of long-term investing, which means recommending the right product at the right time to the right kind of investor suited for the product. We have a unique business model of family ownership and professional management. Globally such companies deliver longevity and durable results to investors as such an ownership allows long term thinking and decision making. We want to make the best of it and be valuable to our investors. Our ambition of size and scale is not as relevant to investors as much as our performance / product design and understanding of market cycle and risk is. We have invested over time in getting better at all of these and we will continue to do so. AUM is not our number 1 focus. Giving the right long-term performance and serving the right product for the right person with the right purpose is our primary focus.
We don’t have luxury of branches and distribution partnerships with in-house banks. On the other hand, technology allows us to be present in every investor’s home if we make our digital interfaces useful to our investors and distributors. We want our products to achieve higher performance consistency across all asset classes to ensure we are valuable to all forms of distributors. We are extremely focused on the input that can generate long term performance and we believe that the performance will an output of good process v/s luck and that is most important to us. In the Bhagavat Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna about Karma Yoga and not to get attached to the fruits as much as to get focused on the duties and task at hand. The fruits will definitely follow, but the focus should be on doing the right thing with the right intent and being disciplined. This is the right measurement for our investment team, giving them the right time horizon to think long term and communicating investment beliefs so investors and distributors can choose the right funds on their own.
We have been very aggressive in using technology to be useful to our distributors and investors. I would like to believe we have one of the best distribution-enabling digital platforms called IFaXpress and a very highly rated end-investor app. I feel this is just the beginning in our journey to leverage tech in the way we raise money, the way we deploy money and the way we communicate with our investors and distributors via our own apps. I am confident as we enhance our digital experiences universally across these pillars; DSP products and brand will reach far and wide by leveraging the newer formats of building scale.
In summary – our strategy is to be simple in our language, authentic in our views and data driven and evidence based in the way we manage money. We are using a lot of new technology to help us achieve all of these goals. Lastly if we deliver products and performance, the AUM will scale!
What are your plans for the fund house? Set any ambitious targets, milestones, etc. DSP once boasted several respectable fund managers in its stable. How have you dealt with their departure? As a process-driven fund house, did it have any impact at all in your functioning?
Ambitious targets and milestones grab eyeballs, but our aim is to build a durable business that makes consistent long-term returns for our investors and be a valuable partner for our distributors. AUM will be the final fruit, which would follow, but our focus is on the process. We are looking to gather money and scale our business across the country by marrying technology to sales while always managing the gathered money in a scientific and process driven manner. We are very conscious of the difference between process and luck and don’t want to leave anything to just luck.
On the talent front – we have seen changes. You would have noticed the ability of the DSP name to also acquire new talent to the firm that will help us fulfill our strategic objectives on products, performance and digital transformation within the organisation. People exits make headlines but new additions don’t and we don’t mind quietly filling our roles and strengthening our talent pool. I once asked our ex CIO why don’t we put the faces of our fund managers in our communication and he said these powerful words, “Let’s be faceless (like BlackRock) and rather be process-based”. This is the culture of the team at DSP – it has been, is now, and will continue at all points in time. This is a business of discipline and constantly learning from markets and I will assure you we have the right talent and processes that we constantly endeavour to strengthen and that will give you confidence that your money is being managed well. Do read our investment process document to find the reason for the satisfactory fund performance, even in last two years of extreme fluctuations in the market as well as changes in our team.
To be fair to your current team, they managed to revive or steady the performance of your flagship schemes in the last two years. What has been the strategy?
The last one year has been eventful with market volatility on both sides. We want to improve our performance in the DSP Top 100 and DSP Focus Fund and Vinit has taken up this challenge to ensure we do justice to our older products. We have reoriented our debt funds and designed risk boundaries based on acceptable risk and reward trade-offs and would like to deliver consistent returns with portfolios that have scrips that can easily be sold (liquid) for our investors. We would like to see our core products across debt and equity achieve scale and size that does justice to the long term track record In the near term these are our core areas of focus and priority.
My investment teams have put their heads together to understand gaps, strengthen process, evolve and adapt. Most importantly, our incentive design has moved away from measuring against peers and focusing on alpha. We want to focus on our beliefs and stick to them instead of being in the race of peer group ranks. This allows us to stay rational and not be subject to herding bias which comes very naturally when we start the comparison game.
You are known for your frank remarks and sage advice in social media. Do you think the industry failed to collectively address a host of issues it has faced in the last one or two years? Individual fund houses were left to fight their own battles.
Thanks for your kind words. Every industry has cycles. So does our fund industry. I feel the industry, with strong support from Sebi and RBI, navigated the economic realities and volatility reasonably well with few stray hiccups. Mutual funds offer highest transparency in their portfolios and daily liquidity in any market environment and this design is understated most often. And of course, this is also our obligation and responsibility to our investors.
The larger issue to solve for is behavioural. In the quest for size and speed, we acquire many new investors when the comfort of past high returns is very high. Knowing that asset classes are cyclical, these returns would eventually fluctuate and asset classes would go through phases of poor returns. I do feel the need to educate to our investors that returns are cyclical and when returns are higher than long term averages, the near future could disappoint. While we can’t change the basic universal nature of markets and its inherent volatility, we definitely can communicate about risks a lot more.
And I do observe many funds do indicate this. We ourselves did a campaign closer to market peaks stating Markets Fluctuate. I hope we see more intense communication on risk and help investors choose the right class at the right time.
The industry is facing a challenging scenario due to the pandemic. How do you think it will impact the business? Several mutual fund categories witnessed net outflows in June?
The entire world economy is facing challenges from the pandemic. Governments and central banks have announced their support and liquidity to businesses to support them in this phase. The impact to the fund industry would be on two counts: slow down due to market volatility and slow down due to cash flow volatility for our end users. The industry has cycles of 4-6 years. We have seen strong growth in new investors and AUM due to rising NAVs and new flows from new investors. Like the phases between 2000-2004 and 2009-2013, we also had NAV fluctuations and slowing flows. While we hope for the best, we must be prepared for a few years of consolidation.
I do see a silver lining in this. We expect a huge digital transformation in this phase and a ‘demat’ moment for the mutual fund industry. From the current 65%, I would expect we move to 100% digital business models across mutual funds and distributors. This will enable the next wave of growth and customer acquisition for the industry done at scale and lower costs. Even in the last few months of lockdown, we have managed to completely operate from home and digitally without any impact on the quality of execution, whether in serving our investors or deploying money. I expect a reset to a new digital world and higher efficiencies. Now it is up to all of us in the industry to make the investing processes for new investors so simple and friendly that we can mitigate the effects of slow down.
We can’t do much about market volatility and like always, there will be a set of investors who will take advantage of this slow phase to build their portfolios for the future and there will be many who may want to move out due to past experience. Our responsibility to hand-hold them and make them live through the phase of volatility will determine the growth rate of the industry. Lastly – if most investors continue with their SIPs, they would be well rewarded. Every instalment of a 5-year SIP from March ‘09 to Sept ‘13 – when NAVs were lower or slower – has delivered double-digit returns to investors if they had kept their SIPs live and stayed invested till today. These markets will test the discipline and temperament of all of us and deserving fund managers and investors will earn their returns. Listening to experienced distributors at times like this is also very important for investors so that they don’t make any hasty decisions.
The debt mutual fund space has been hit by many issues in the last two years. Do you think these issues are behind us?
The debt issues highlighted the role of upfront communication of risk and better fund management practices that respect the liquidity challenges that open ended funds have to manage. I feel we have learnt lessons, strengthened teams, investment processes and governance.
At the same time, a large part of the debt AUM which didn’t invest in credits (95% of debt AUM) has taken advantage of falling interest rates and delivered a decent experience to investors. I do feel well managed credit funds would be a sensible opportunity in the future and investors will also recognise that portfolios should be more balanced, right questions need to be asked to understand where are excess returns are coming from and one should not just chase past returns. Also, I feel these funds need to be sold to the investors with right risk tolerance to understand the risk behind these which was not done in the past.
What is your advice to mutual fund investors at this critical juncture?
I want investors to remember at all points in time that markets will fluctuate and so will returns in the short and medium term. Rising prices means more risk and falling prices means that risk has reduced.
Interest rates have fallen. Thus expect lower returns from debt funds. There is a disconnect between the rise in equity prices and profit growth, and in such phases future returns can be low again. Thus, this is not a time to be aggressive in any one asset class. The future is unpredictable more than ever and hence be prudent to diversify across debt/ equity/ global funds and invest for the long term. Lastly, be more excited when NAVs fall, not when they rise too sharply.