Anthony Fauci cautiously optimistic: Countries need to pull back to contain the spread – The Economic Times

He said a couple of vaccine candidates are expected to go into phase 3 efficacy clinical trials at the end of July. “I believe we are on a good track to get there in a reasonably good time,” Fauci said.

Synopsis“We did not shut down entirely and that’s the reason why we went up. It had started to come down, and then we plateaued at a level that was really quite high, about 20,000 infections per day. Then as we started to reopen, we are seeing the surges that we are seeing today,” Fauci said.

Mumbai: Countries such as the US that are seeing a surge in Covid-19 cases need to pull back with a limited lockdown to contain the spread of the pandemic, Anthony Fauci, head of the National

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