Like Punjab did on Sunday, Haryana eased the rule that requires mandatory use of the Co-WIN mobile app to schedule vaccination and record recipient data. The health department can now carry out vaccination without pre-registering recipients. System administrators have been asked to manually upload data later.
Health department officials in Gurgaon said the app wasn’t working properly right from the start. Co-WIN, which automates the process of sending pre-vaccination intimation to recipients, failed to send advance texts to many registered users. Many of those who got their shots on Saturday received “prior intimation” of their appointments through SMS the next day.
In Assam, just over 2,000 health care workers could be vaccinated on Monday against the targeted figure of 6,500. The shortfall was because of a major technical glitch in the Co-WIN server that forced the state to stall vaccination at 24 sites across 12 districts. Vaccination coverage on the second day was just above 49%, around 5% below Saturday’s figure.
Telangana health workers administering the Covid-19 vaccine at the Government Chest Hospital in Hyderabad’s SR Nagar had to manually verify and record data after the Co-WIN app failed to update the names of the beneficiaries. “The app is still not functioning to its full capacity. The manual process is taking a little time, but I guess we have no choice but to follow this method until the technical glitches are fixed,” said R Mary Premila, a vaccinator at the hospital.
Informing vaccine recipients about their appointments in advance proved the primary challenge in the absence of reliable automated communication. Instead of getting automated texts on their phones, the recipients received phone calls from the centres.
Officials in Maharashtra, where the vaccination drive is scheduled to resume on Tuesday, said the Co-WIN snags they had flagged on Saturday had been fixed and the rectified system now appeared to be stable. Session sites for almost 50% of the 285 vaccination centres were created without a hitch on Monday.