CPI national congress in Vijayawada adopts resolution opposing privatisation of VSP

Party demands safeguarding of public and government sectors and filling of vacant posts

Party demands safeguarding of public and government sectors and filling of vacant posts


The Communist Party of India (CPI) at its 24th national congress here on Monday adopted a resolution demanding that the Central government withdraw its decision of 100% strategic sale of the public sector unit Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. 

The CPI Rajya Sabha member Binoy Viswam, CPI national secretary K. Narayana, A.P. Secretary K. Ramakrishna, and assistant secretary Muppalla Nageswara Rao disclosed the details of the resolutions adopted by the party on the fourth day of the congress. 

The meet expressed solidarity with the Ukku Pariraksha Porata Committee in their struggle to save the VSP. The party appreciated the resolve of the people and workers in carrying out their relentless struggle to save the VSP from privatisation. 

The CPI also adopted another resolution to save the public sector and government sector from dismantling. The party noted that more than 10 lakh posts were lying unfilled in railways, defence, postal etc. In public sector industries, more than 4 lakh posts were lying vacant. The government was requested to fill up all those vacancies immediately, the party said.

Pension scheme

Expressing serious concern that the Contributory National Pension System implemented for the Central and State government employees by replacing the Defined and Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme was a total failure and a disaster, the CPI adopted a resolution urging the State and Central governments to scrap the NPS and restore the old pension scheme. 

In another resolution, the party demanded that the expenditure on health should be increased to six percent of the GDP. All drugs vaccines and medical devices should be produced by Union and State governments through public sector units. This would ensure right to drugs and drugs security. Medical staff, including doctors, nurses, paramedics, ASHA workers and Aanganwadi workers should be appointed on a permanent basis. All temporary workers should be made permanent, the CPI said.

The congress also passed a resolution expressing grave concern over the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine and demanded that the war be brought to an end and avoid catastrophe. The party also passed a resolution to celebrate the centenary of the formation of CPI stating that it was founded on December 26, 1925 in Kanpur.

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