Monkeypox On Campus: Universities Plan for New Health Threat

Nancy Santos Gainer, spokeswoman, West Chester University.

William Schaffner, MD, professor of infectious diseases, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville.

Amesh Adalja, MD, infectious disease specialist, senior scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Baltimore.

Leana Wen, MD, emergency doctor, public health policy professor, George Washington University, Washington, DC.

Shilpa Bakre, spokesperson, University of Texas.

Georgetown University: “Public Health Alert: Presumptive Monkeypox Case.”

Bucknell University: “Monkeypox information.”

The Hill: “Monkeypox case found on George Washington campus.”

The GW Hatchet: “First case of monkeypox identified in GW community.”

STAT: “As monkeypox spreads, university campuses prepare for another outbreak.”

University of North Florida: “Monkeypox.”

Northwestern University: “Information About Monkeypox: Planning Our Approach to Preparation and Prevention”

Cornell University: “Monkeypox: What to Know.”

Heather Harper, spokesperson, University of California.

CDC: “2022 US Map & Case Count,” “Considerations for Reducing Monkeypox Transmission in Congregate Living Settings.”

Chicago Tribune: “Colleges, universities across Illinois begin monkeypox prep with students set to return this month.”

CNN: “To prepare for possible monkeypox spread, colleges focus on educating students.”

Community Impact Newspaper: “UT Austin responds to first confirmed monkeypox case on campus.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer: “West Chester student tests positive for monkeypox.”

Higher Ed Dive: “Here’s what colleges should know to prepare for monkeypox.”

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