You’ll need an account to manage your upcoming child tax credit payments.
Angela Lang/CNET
Didn’t get your scheduled child tax credit payment yet? Want to keep track of future payments? Either way, you’ll need to create an account to sign in to the IRS portals and check your payment status. Plus, that’s how you register for the tax credit if you’re a nonfiler — and opt out of the monthly payments if you want one large payment next year instead. The deadline to change your details for the August payment is Aug. 2.
The account is essential to managing your upcoming payments, banking information and eligibility. The account will give you some important benefits: It’ll soon let you update the tax agency on your current family situation so you’ll receive the correct amount of child tax credit money. You can use it now to update your direct deposit information, and next month you’ll be able to update your mailing address. If parents haven’t updated banking information for July, they’ll still get a check in the mail.
We’ll explain how to set up an account and tell you how to unenroll from the 2021 advance child tax credit payment program, if that’s what you choose to do. For more, here’s how to calculate the estimated total of your child tax credit checks, you can also see if you are eligible and what you’ll need to do next tax season if you receive payments this year.
Why do I need an account for the child tax credit? is an online tool used by the IRS, the Department of the Treasury, the Social Security Administration and other government agencies to verify your identification. Once you’ve been verified on a site that uses, you can use the same login information on any other site that uses the secure login service.
Right now, the IRS is using just for its child tax credit tools. If you don’t want to collect the advance child tax credit payments this year and would rather get one big payout next year, you’ll need this account with the IRS to do so. If you already have an IRS account and username, you can use that instead.
Here are some reasons why you might want to unenroll and what the deadlines are to do so.
How do I get an account?
Before you get started, you’ll want to gather a handful of items, including your Social Security number, a photo ID — such as a driver’s license or passport — and a phone or computer with a camera.
1. Head to the Child Tax Credit Update Portal and tap the blue button, Unenroll from Advance Payments. On the next page, tap the button marked Create an account.
2. Now, enter your email address and choose a password, then tap Create account.
3. Read more about the service and tap Continue.
4. will ask you to confirm your email address and give you the option to set up multifactor authentication — an extra step you can take to prove it’s actually you making the request and not someone else trying to access your account.
5. Next, upload a picture of your photo ID. Then take and upload a selfie, using your phone or computer camera. If you want to use your phone, will text send a message with a link to take and submit your photos.
6. Once you’ve uploaded your images, you’ll enter your Social Security number and confirm other information you’ve entered. When you’re ready, click Continue.
7. will send you a text message confirming that you want to set up an account. If you want to go ahead, click Allow and continue on the page to send verification to the IRS.
If is unable to verify you, you will be given the option to have a video call with a “Trusted Referee” to complete your verification.
Here’s what it takes for you and your dependents to qualify for the payments. For more financial benefits this year, here’s how to save money on child care and health care expenses.