Upkeep of ill-maintained medians beneath metro corridor to be vested with shops

Upkeep of ill-maintained medians beneath metro corridor to be vested with shops

With the completion of greening of medians beneath the Kochi metro corridor remaining a far cry over five years since the mass rapid transport system was commissioned, Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) has decided to descope medians that have not been preened up from the ambit of firms that had been vested with the greening … Read more

At least one child has been killed and others have been injured beneath the machines, as have some pets, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said. The commission considers the product “a serious risk to children for abrasions, fractures and death.”

April 27, 2021 — Peloton is pushing back against a U.S. government warning about the safety of its pricey home-use treadmill. Experts wonder if it’s a case of dangerous design flaws — or the need for individual users to be accountable. It’s being followed closely as the at-home, artificial-intelligence-assisted fitness machines get more … Read more