Why is ‘Ayyampalayam Nettai’ coconut variety unique?
| Video Credit:
G. Karthikeyan
Ayyampalayam, a town on the way towards Marudhanidhi dam in Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu, is known for this unique variety of coconut.
‘Ayyampalayam Nettai’ coconut trees near Marudhanidhi dam in Dindigul district
| Photo Credit:
G. Karthikeyan
This coconut variety is grown in coconut farms just above the dam, bordering the catchment area.
The trees are a 100-foot tall and have more than 60% oil content and an extremely sweet kernel.
On an average, a single tree can give an yield of about 120 nuts per year without application of chemical fertilisers.
The ‘Ayyampalayam Nettai’ are not just disease-resistant but also drought-resistant.
Reporting: Beulah Rose
Videos: Karthikeyan G
Production and Voiceover: Yuvasree S