Swaminathan Aiyar: I have a fear that we will mostly get negative surprises. The bond market for instance. There is a significant participation by the FIIs. If they rush for the exit that will certainly hit the bond market, would it not? As for the metal prices, again, there are various unknowns. The US economy has been booming. Will it continue to boom or will it get trapped in its own rhetoric of trade war and ultimately go downwards, we do not know.
In the case of China, if 5% growth can continue, it would be good for metal demand. But there are various people like Ruchir Sharma who claim that the real growth is maybe only half of that. Again, there are a huge number of tariffs and sanctions against China that again may lower Chinese demand which would certainly affect metals. But overall, metals have shown significant strength even as some agricultural commodities have been coming down. There is a background to this. In the West to open a new mine, the environmental regulations and conditions are such that if you want to increase production it takes four-five years to get all the clearances and start work on a new mine. Because of this, for a large number of non-ferrous metals, the outlook might be quite good in the medium term because new mines do not open fast. The big problem is going to be steel. There is an enormous Chinese overcapacity. We do not know what is going to happen to it. If China keeps dumping this on the market, the outlook for steel would be seriously affected. But for non-ferrous metals, the outlook may be better.
Maneesh Dangi: Do you have views on Indian PLIs? Interventions in some form an industrial policy from our side have not been really very successful so far. Our manufacturing jobs have not risen substantially. India’s gem has been the IT industry, but manufacturing has been a laggard. You have some top-down views of what is wrong. Is it just that we are fighting with such a big gorilla that these small interventions would not help or is there hope that at some point in time, some kind of a J-curve will kick in and our manufacturing will begin to grow. The way markets are pricing manufacturing makes one believe that the latter will happen.
Swaminathan Aiyar: There is a big shift from manufacturing to services that for some reason, everybody is fighting and I do not know why, because it seems to me that the boom in services has helped all economies overall. Mr Trump keeps saying too much manufacturing has gone away. Now, if you focus on things which are of national security, he has an argument.
You could have said that earlier on after the Cold War, we thought everybody is a friend. China is a friend. And if we deindustrialise, that is fine. We will focus on services and let the industries go out. Now, if suddenly China is a security threat, Russia is a security threat, then you have to consider that there are some industries where you may say we must have a significant manufacturing base here. I can understand that. But Mr Trump is not really interested in shifting some of that very high-end stuff because, frankly, those do not give very much employment. He has this idea of old steel plants with open-hearth furnaces, which are going to employ so many people. That is the nostalgia about the time when the American economy was dominant after World War II because all the economies of Europe and Japan were lying in ruins temporarily and they had the idea for 20-30 years that they are supreme. And now they want to go back to that and it is going to be difficult to go back.
Even if Mr Trump puts a 10% overall tariff, I do not think it will bring back any significant manufacturing jobs to the USA. So, as I said, if they focus strategically on certain industries, you can do more manufacturing but with the mechanisation, robotisation that is going on, with the constant innovation that is going on to cut costs, Mr Trump will fail to bring very much manufacturing or very many jobs back to the USA. The same is going to happen in India.
Our manufacturing is not doing well. Mr Modi is worried about it. There is this production-linked incentive which if you ask me, frankly, is a failure. Apart from the mobile telephone, can you really talk of significant successes in other places? No, no, this a bit here, a bit there but in terms of changing the industrial structure or in terms of creating a large number of jobs, I would say this has not worked out. But this is not something to worry about because our services are doing so well.
I have often said that the most important achievements of Modi 1 and Modi 2 had nothing to do with Mr Modi’s policies. It was the globalisation that created our global capability centres of multinationals. Now, there are many estimates because this is a black box, the multinationals do not reveal separately the data on global capability centres. But there are estimates that there are as many as 2,000 MNCs employing maybe one-and-a-half, two, two-and-a-half million people and revenues of $100 million dollars plus, and exports of estimates range from 60 to about 100 million. Now, these are enormous figures. So, India is a huge success.
Frankly, if your GDP figures are going up and your overall incomes are going up and salaries are going up, it is going up because of the success of the services sector. And we are no longer in low-end services and grant work. We have moved up the value chain. We are doing engineering design, electronic design. We are doing artificial intelligence. We are expanding and innovating the cloud. We have got to the cutting edge.
Maneesh Dangi: I have been of the view that if anything is doing well, let us cheer this. But when I look at the mid-90s, both Vietnam and India had 85 odd percent of folks engaged in informal jobs. That number has fallen in Vietnam to 55% in the last 30 years. It is 75% in India even now. So, in a sense, while the Noidas, Bangalores, Punes and Mumbais of the world boom in terms of our cognitive labour is now repriced better and better and that part of the economy is doing very well, but having people the larger masses participate in more formal jobs and organised labour, that has been a bit of a sort of drag for India.
Do you think in the Budget with respect to employment, there will be anything to cheer the manufacturing sector? We hope that it should pave the way for substantial monetary easing, cut a little bit on the fiscal deficit and allow the monetary easing to effect the economy to revive the growth slowdown that we have had. Which way do you think the FM will lean towards?
Swaminathan Aiyar: I have a feeling that the Budget will not take into account the very serious negatives that Mr Trump may generate, because you can say that till now he has not really issued all these executive orders on all these things and so the Budget may just continue with its earlier projections, which will be somewhat optimistic. As for what she will do for manufacturing or how will she try to produce all these jobs? Last year, she announced the scheme where we will partially pay the provident fund or the part of the hiring cost of a new employee. What is the actual impact of this attempt to increase employment?
I talked to a group of businessmen in Bombay and said as a result of this how many additional people will you employ? And the consensus was we will not even hire one additional person. And one person pointed out, he is covering a very small part of the cost of one additional employee. But even suppose he covered the full cost, would I hire that additional man? So, because I would not have full work for that person and if there is even one person who is not working properly, it tends to destroy the work culture. So, as I said, the real solution would be to reduce all these non-wage components.
If you reduce these non-wage components, then it would be worthwhile for companies to formalise. As long as you have all these non-wage costs, they will keep formal sector employment to the minimum and everything else will be outsourced to other people who do not have to bear these costs. That I see is what is happening. So, formal sector jobs will remain scarce as long as the political economy of India dictates that we are going to have so many perks, so many wage costs for the formal sector and because the BJP has the largest trade union and the Congress Party used to have the largest trade union, both of them are labour parties and you do not expect labour parties to cut the benefits of organised labor.
This then is the political economic tragedy of India, which comes in the way of the formal sector hiring more people and frankly, nobody is willing to face up to that challenge because it would go against the fact that they both have very large trade unions.